#299 - Debunking Toxic Masculinity! (English)

Hi GuidoFox here! Wonderful that you will read this article!

There is a lot going on in the Males-Self-Development-World: males feel themselves unheard in their needs within the current society abilities. The overall sense: they feel a lack of ‘being a real man’.

Many coaches & influencers are playing nowadays the so called male role models ‘how to behave as a man’. Ice baths, shouting sessions, fight trainings, talking hard with directedness, don’t accept any no’s, pushing/crossing the lines of the acceptable and making fireplaces in forests together are now common scenes of their programs.

I was for a long time also within these groups & learnt a lot from it, especially the leadership leading roles you can take in your relationships with women. But now I see men really struggling with their own personality and the way ‘they have to behave’. They starting to play a role and women are discovering this behavior very easy and will reject – the new man – on a subtle way.

In my opinion – as an 8 years Dating Coach – is characteristics as charisma, intuition, empathy (in her feelings & needs), listening & presentation skills (body language evolvement), patience & emotional safe triggers much more important to grow as a man/person (the soft skills) then only the 'hard-core’ male skills. The ego-shouts of the Tate’s in this world are absolutely not attractive for women to date & go deeper with.

I am striving in my coaching to shape you to the whole man: a man who is balanced in his hard & soft skills and how, when & switch to use it within his skillset in a (short) period of time to lead himself and her in his life, also for the long-term durable en sustainable relationships.


GuidoFox – Evolve your Life!

Spiritual Dating Coach
