Grounded Self-Confidence in Intimacy & Dating

The society is socially impoverished: we are living aside of each other or we don't know how to give a compliment away to a stranger. In my Dating Coaching we will unlock your social potential and striving for lovable contacts with people made during the day (Social DayLove). At this way, you are able to learn how to become energetically open and vulnerable towards the other. The goal is to make you more confident towards long-term potential partners. 

  • Love-meetings during the day (Social DayLove)
  • Widening your options to meet new people 
  • Understanding Social Dynamics
  • Verbal/Social Qualities
  • Grounded Self & Social-Confidence in Talks
  • Body Language Evolvement 
  • Intimacy Issues/Confidence
  • Character Building
  • Personality Change
  • Men/Women - Polarity
  • Solving Feelings of Loneliness 
  • Virginity & Sexuality Issues 
  • Opening-Up in a Free Expressive Way
  • Dissolving Approach-Anxiety
  • Create Intimacy Abundance in Life
  • Social NightLove (Club Coaching)
  • Live Coaching / Ear-Phones / Verbal Skills Coaching
  • Inner Sessions Coaching Studio Amsterdam or Zoom/Call (Anti-Blockade) 
  • Street Sessions Social DayLove or Club Coaching Amsterdam/The Hague/Utrecht traject 6/12 sessions
  • Bootcamps Krakow, Warsaw, Barcelona, Budapest & Belgrade 5 Days/Nights 
  • Weekend Bootcamps Amsterdam/The Hague/Utrecht Social DayLove + Social NightLove 2 Days/Nights
  • Extented Infieldreports after the sessions
  • TextGame-Analyses 

Social DayLove & NightLove Programs 1:1

The Street Sessions or Club Coaching starts at 3000 euro (included 21% VAT) for 6 sessions from 14.00 - 19.00 (5 hours) or 22.00 - 3.00 (5 hours) with an extended infieldreport afterwards (1 hour). The Intake + Outdoor/Indoor Session + Consult (500 euro) will be a discount on your package. 

The 5-Days Bootcamps Barcelona, Warsaw, Krakow. Belgrade or Budapest starts at 5000 euro (included 21% VAT) for 5 days Social DayLove + NightLove (excluded flight + hotelcosts).

The Weekend Bootcamps in Amsterdam/The Hague/Utrecht starts at 2000 euro (included 21% VAT) for 2 days Social DayLove + NightLove.

All the Sessions and Bootcamps will be given by myself and only 1:1 exclusively.  

Book Your 300-Minutes Intake + Consult!

GuidoFox wrote a book about Social DayLove and you are able to buy it via this link (in Dutch): 


Inspired & teached by the following dating coaches:

- Todd Valentine

- Julien Blanc

- Maximilian Tornow

- Owen Cook (Tyler)

- Sasha DayGame 

- Tim Veninga 


How to hold her attention in the NightClub! (English)

Red Flags in Game! (English)

Age Rejections in Dating: What to do? (English)

How to Get a High Value Albanian 9 on a Date! TextGame-Analyses – Overcoming Tests – Dating Coaching! (English)

Debunking Toxic Masculinity! (English)

Dating High Value Women – Society Influence + EGO-Image + Openness! (English)

Short or Long Approaches in Social DayLove / DayGame? – Dating Coaching (English)

‘Lower Your Standards’ – Dating Coaching (English)

She Is Always Testing You – Relationship Coaching (English)

What we can learn from bad shopping store sales skills – Leadership, Business & Dating Advice! (English)

NightGame Strategies: How to bring the woman home from the club: Traditional versus Spiritual Game! (English)

Advanced DayGame: Walk with her or Go for a Phone-number (English)?

Advanced DayGame: Direct vs. Indirect Approaching + Quick Mood-Scan + Social Awareness (English)

What is to Be Social? And is there a difference between in or outside the matrix of society? (English)

Psychology & Dating: Removing the Mental Blockades for More Intimacy in your Life! - Psychological Dating Coach for Men (English)

Virgin-Game: be aware of your emotional energy! (English)

Approach-Anxiety within the Matrix of Society: where it comes from and how to breakthrough it! (English)

Ga niet Speeddaten, maar Speed-Social DayLove-en!

No Nut November – No Nut Always!

Het GuidoFox-Social-DayLove-Model: HET Gespreksmodel voor het Versieren van Vrouwen overdag!

De ‘Sigma Male’: De ‘Alpha Male’ in de overtreffende trap!

Wie is precies die Alfaman? De Zeven Eigenschappen van de Alfaman en de Onterechte Fabels ontkracht!

Mannen! De VIJF meest woest aantrekkelijke eigenschappen van een man!

Los Eenzaamheid op door (onder andere) te Daten!

De 7 Positieve ‘Side-Effects’ van Social DayLove!

Naar een Prostituee gaan! Wel, Niet Doen of De Middenweg?

YouTube Video's

Sid in gesprek met Willem en GuidoFox (Schrijver Social DayLove) over de Seksualiteit & Samenleving!

Social DayLove - De Verleidingsdans ontrafeld!

Why is Game so Paradoxical? (English)


Infields + Clients: Social DayLove 1 t/m 12 stories

Book Your 500-Minutes Intake + Consult!


Book Your 500-Minutes Intake + Consult!

Enlightenment & Ecstatic Chakra-Activations

Together we will work to raise-up your consciousness levels, understandings of your destructive mental blockades & dissolve them and we go deeper into the spiritual energy-transmissions to opening-up your seven blissful inner centers. 

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Philosophical Coaching & Deeper Life Wisdoms

We will discover the deeper layers of your life: the directions, the reasons of 'why' things happened and try to get a better understanding - with the wisdoms of the philosophers at the background - of your daily practice challenges.

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Leadership Development & Business Visionary

We will unlock your leadership-potential and create an atmosphere for growth & insights - for your management qualities & business vision. 

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Career, Purpose & Psychological Support (High Giftedness Specialist)

Your career is one of the most important aspects in your life - income & time-wise. We will work together towards a healthy balanced career-path where you come at ease & feel comfortable. 

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Relationships (Borderline Specialist)

You are able to drastically improve your skills in relationships to level-up the well-being of your important life. We will go deeper into the understandings of the relationship-dynamics of your past & current relationships and get your love-dynamic at a higher level of peace, compassion for eachother and flowing. Besides, we are working on your social personal development skills.   

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Social DayLove, Intimacy & Social Dynamics (Dating Specialist)

Together we will optimize your social skills to meet women during the day. You get more insights - not only in your own social skills -, but also in the dynamic man-to-woman. After the sessions you are able to create an abundance dating life with fitting women in your close surroundings. 

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Together we will create a body you deserve. We manage a healthy way of life - in nutrition, training-schedules & fat-loss plans. 

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Zoom/Whatsapp Coaching

GuidoFox offers Zoom, Whatsapp & Call-options for 1-1 Coaching. You are able to contact him wherever you are in this world.

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Life Coaching Academy

To become a Life Coach is not easy: per example, which kind of questions I have to ask? Or which questions I have not to ask? We will work together to make from you a high quality Life Coach. 

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