#317 - How to hold her attention in the NightClub! (English)

Hi GuidoFox here! Wonderful that you will read this article ;)
In contradiction to DayGame, where you have mostly the woman in a one-to-one situation/conversation directly (and the following-up (instant)-dates), NightGame is more complex, subtle and dealing with group-dynamics (other girlfriends) and distractions.
The great advantage of NightGame – next to all the skillsets you are able to use/transfer in your Dates and DayGame (verbally, physically + brain-workings) – is the extended time-period the women are able to see and feel you (connection foundation).
It depends on the situation, but how more people are dancing (with loud music) – how better the physical openers works-out (hand of God/hugs/handtouchings). I saw/see so many guys who are screaming in the ears of women at the dance floor while a) she cannot understand you or try to understand; it's create an uncomfortable situation and b) she is out of the flow, because she has to stop her dance moves. You want to avoid this situation and place immediately a physical-blueprint and statements afterwards to build-up also the verbal comfort. In the situation where people are not dancing (with soft music), it’s better to use the verbal openers (social calibration).
In contrast to DayGame where general compliments about her vibe/personality are more effective, in NightGame these compliments don’t work-out well: every guy uses these compliments as openers in this common situational area. I teach my clients to use the so called specifyers: specific compliments about something special about her (shoes, details of her clothes, typical eyes, something in her hair). In the most cases she will be surprised (emotional spike), because she didn’t hear this the whole eve/night. The challenge is now – instead of creating an uneasy silent period afterwards – to bring the conversation (with the intensifying physical touching’s) forwarded to build-up the comfort, holding her attention (distractions) and move later on to another location (pulling/alpha-frame).
Holding Attention
3 topics!
1) Freedom of Outcome/Free Association/Creativity
Freedom of Outcome in the conversation is that you remove all the verbal blockades in your brain- & energysystem and so you are not shy anymore – even if you say something stupid between the lines (shameless)
Free Association is that you bring-up subjects and ‘lead’ the woman from one subject to another one and later you combine these subjects (advanced) (kind of story-telling)
Creativity is a characteristic of a non-boring guy: so use your creativity in the form of ‘future projections’ & spiky topics in the conversation
2) Statements Impressive Voice (emphasis)
The use of statements is so powerful instead of asking questions to her all the time (taking versus giving value). You give her energy and ‘lead’ the conversation towards topics. Don’t forget to emphasis with the statements and later calm down here verbally.
3) Push-Pull in your Statements
Your statements and conversation skills will be so much more effective when you combine push-pulls in your statements: it’s creating attraction (maybe, perhaps, I am not sure, I don’t know you, maybe you are, could be). I call it: temper the statements. You want to avoid that the statements will be too direct and confronting instead of fun, easy going & playful!
GuidoFox – Evolve your Life!
Spiritual Dating Coach