#325 - Blueprint-Scannings / Selecting-Mechanisms in Game! (English)

Hi GuidoFox here! Wonderful that you will read this article ;)
In the deeper philosophy of DayGame there is love/intimacy-abundance at every corner of the street, because you are able – instead of the (unknown of DayGame or shy) matrix-guy – to approach every woman you see, with the trade-off of energy: how more sets you do, how tired you become (for an instant-date + trade-off with physical/verbal warm) – this is the main reason why we have to select (and not higher or Lower Your Standards).
The second reason is the attraction towards the woman: mostly relationship-material (very rare) or short-term mating opportunities (ons, tns or fwb / same-day-lay) (boxes & blueprint-scanning).
The third reason is avoiding matrix-pressures (pressuring guys walking closely after her / waiting now), social calibration/proof/acceptance/awareness opportunities (waiting when she is out of a row) & out of densely matrix-areas (train, store, etc. – better to wait if the opportunity is there (trade-off with time)): in my opinion, how more out of the matrix-(pressures), how more she is able to be her real-self and how more the chance of following-ups.
The fourth reason why we select is a more advanced one: holding your value (higher your standards). DayGame is a Value-Game: selecting the high value (open) women out of the big (low value) crowd (scannings). And if you stay continuing with approaching too many women (spam), universe will lower your value (needy frame). Be a little bit more selective!
If we keep all these above circumstances in mind, we are coming at the point of blueprint-scannings: which woman could be opening-up soon (openness) (without mental costs of too much dates). I am able to see – after years of years in social dynamics – which features of women could be leading towards intimacy without the loss of time, energy and emotional investments in dates (with the chance that she will break over time before intimacy even happened / fear-patterns).
The most important feature is the way she walks: lightly on earth, flair/free, o-shape legs and feet position straight-forwarded.
Other features/signals: small tattoo at her body (side belly, neck, ankle), high heels & dress (with DayGame), white or leather black tight jeans, open back/belly-dress & showing her boobies to obviously/straight back forward.
Turn-off features: ghotic high black / mountain shoes, (very) short hair, nose, ear, tongue and mouth-piercings, wide (black) jeans & shirts, very fat women (double chin), x-legs, wide or crossed feet positions, strange color combinations in clothing (red shirt and black jeans (both wide)), fully tattooed, non-sportive/dancing/yoga/gym-character, too big pictures on her shirt & strange color hairs (yellow).
GuidoFox – Evolve your Life!
High-End Spiritual Dating Coach