#272 - NightGame Strategies: How to Bring the Woman Home From the Club: Traditional versus Spiritual Game! (English)

Hi GuidoFox here! Wonderful that you will read this article!
The most common game we learn from other dating coaches and seeing the daily practices is that you go as a man to the dance floor – or watch first from the side – and see the right match and then hanging around with her and her friends and wait a few hours and hopefully she decides to leave her friends behind when the party is over and go with you to your place.
It’s a game-mix of picking wisely (selective) in small group dynamics (dance floor pressures) to avoid the constant-rejecting frame by to many approaches, building-up social value (to do social to her friends) and emotional + attraction value to dance and stay with your match for a long time (time-investment). I call this NightGame-strategy the traditional one.
This game could be effective for high value guys with good looks, attitudes and social skills, but I like to discuss with you another type of game – the so called High Spiritual Out of the Matrix Game – and compare both of them. Of course, for both types of games are the inner work and flourishing even important to not becoming too much outcome depended (non-needy).
In my eyes you have to take into account the trade-off between the time-investment in the traditional long social game and the ‘pull-ratio’ – the chance that you really take that woman home and the more – I will explain – effective approach of the High Spiritual Out of the Matrix Game.
The most nightgame-pulls and sexual intimacy happens with me within the one hour alpha-frame: an hour since the first meeting. If intimacy is not happening within this one hour, the chances will be much lower that you will have sexual intimacy with her – in my experience (she puts you in a more emotional ‘relationship’ frame). Only because of this argument, the traditional long game will be risky – and in my eyes also too obvious: everyone does it like this way (in the matrix).
In analyzing group dynamics and experiencing quick and effective nightgame-pulls (crash-pulls), I should advice you the following strategy.
You have to warm-up for a pull – verbally, social & body heat-wise with a variation of women (this is logic). Also because of this fact, the picky traditional game is less effective.
I prefer to approach a few women in the surroundings of the dance floor socially to warm-up and to avoid the dance floor pressures. Later in the eve I mix (depends also about the club environment): quick dance floor approaches (to go there and go back - like fishing) and in the surroundings (low pressures - high spiritual: a woman can be more open there) with an intimacy goal (not only socially – to avoid the social guy frame and missing the intimacy intent here).
I start with a specific compliment and I escalate physical quickly and start in few minutes already to lead her to another quite place – away from her friends and dance floor pressures (out of the matrix).
This is something unusual, but very effective. The next step is try to take her home. If she is not (yet) open for it, you try the next one (this is your test on her). At this way, you can easily select who is open for it and who not – and this strategy is much less time-consuming and risky than the traditional one.
Keep further in mind that the most women who wanted to be taken home are not a lot of their time at the dance floor (more attention seekers), but waiting by the exit or hanging more around in the surroundings – especially later during the night.
More further: In my experience the Netherlands is not really a ‘pull-country’, but more a ‘social-anti-sexual-country’ with too much sensitivity for high group pressures: East-Europe the best!
GuidoFox – Evolve your Life!
Spiritual Dating Coach